The Arizona Masterworks Chorale has been Making Music Better for over 40 Years.
Our mission is to inspire and enrich our community through the power of choral music.

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The Arizona Masterworks Chorale explores
stories of “coming home” with songs of return and restoration.

There’s the story of returning to a warm and familiar family gathering, as in traditional holiday pieces (“There’s no place like home for the holidays”).  But  also stories of refugees fleeing violence in their homelands or returning after a brutal regime is toppled; those who’ve lost homes and loved ones to catastrophes like last year’s hurricanes and the recent fires in Los Angeles; and those who after years of homelessness, rough living, and medical trauma have to build an entirely new understanding of what it means to have a safe and secure place to live.

Be with us to hear these and more, through the exquisite beauty of poetry and sound, with special guests from Circle the City.

AMC at Circle the CIty

Holiday Outreach Concert at Circle the City Downtown Medical Respite Center, Phoenix

Make a Generous Donation to AMC

Our ongoing “Make Music Better” campaign asks you to support the Arizona Masterworks Chorale’s mission.

Our mission is to inspire and enrich our community through the power of choral music. AMC audiences experience the sheer beauty of sound and poetry in our ensemble – it’s a choral symphony of fine voices singing together.

Making music better means investing in the future. Please consider making a generous one-time or recurring donation, advertising with us, or sponsoring an event or artist.

 Your generosity keeps our unique sound thriving in Arizona, and we thank you for your ongoing support.

Support our Partners – Get an Arizona Tax Credit Through April 15, 2025

Miss the 2024 Messiah Sing-Along?
Want to experience it again?

You can send a check to
The Arizona Masterworks Chorale
4802 East Ray Road, Suite 23-115, Phoenix AZ 85044

Our music library has a new home.

We’ve moved our music library from its old home at Ascension Lutheran Church in Paradise Valley to the brand-new LifeStorage center at Gilbert Crossing.

With your help, we can keep it thriving.

Maintaining our extensive library of over 15,000 copies of over 400 great choral works isn’t easy.  Our Music Librarian Cheryl Burton works tirelessly to keep the library in shape and to provide scores to all choristers.  But storage doesn’t come cheap!  We’re asking for $2,500 in donations between now and June 2025 to keep the library in top condition.

An anonymous donor will match up to $500 in donations to the Music Library Fund made between now and August 31.

AMC Library at ALC
Old Home: Ascension Lutheran Basement
LifeStorage Gilbert
New Home: LifeStorage, Gilbert
Just part of the Library Moving Crew
Join us and share The AMC Experience:
The Sheer Beauty of Sound and Poetry

“I believe that we do have the opportunity to make something special out of the group.  There is a place in the Valley for this kind of sound and repertoire and collegiality.” 

The Arizona Masterworks Chorale welcomes singers of all backgrounds, voices, and ages to grow their talents and sing beautifully in a collegial setting.

An Artistic Collaboration

With the sale and imminent razing of their Paradise Valley property, the Ascension Lutheran Congregation is now holding services at the North Scottsdale United Methodist Church.  The Arts at Ascension artistic collaboration continues!

Coming Home
Sunday, March 2 at 3 PM

Annual Valentine’s Concert
Sunday, February 2 at 3 PM

Arizona Masterworks Chorale Supporters and Sponsors

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