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The 2024-2025 Concert Season

March 2: Coming Home

The Arizona Masterworks Chorale explores stories of “coming home” with songs of return and restoration.

There’s the story of returning to a warm and familiar family gathering, as in traditional holiday pieces (“There’s no place like home for the holidays”).  But there are also stories of refugees fleeing violence in their homelands or returning after a brutal regime is toppled; those who’ve lost homes and loved ones to catastrophes like last year’s hurricanes and the recent fires in Los Angeles; and those who after years of homelessness, rough living, and medical trauma have to build an entirely new understanding of what it means to have a safe and secure place to live.

Be with us to hear these and more, through the exquisite beauty of poetry and sound, with special guests from Circle the City.

Sunday, March 2 at 3 PM
in the sanctuary at All Saints’ Episcopal Church
6300 North Central Avenue, Phoenix

Concert Program

Goin’ Home (William Arms Fisher / Antonìn Dvořák)
From the Largo of the symphony “From the New World,” Op. 95

Waiting (John Burroughs / Howard Helvey)

Walk in My Shoes (Niel Lorenz / André J. Thomas)  

Coming Home (Jay Althouse)

Choose Something Like a Star (Robert Frost / Randall Thompson)
The Road Not Taken (Robert Frost / Randall Thompson)
From “Frostiana” by Randall Thompson

Love is Love is Love (Abbie Betinis)
From the Justice Choir Songbook, Volume 1

The Road Home (Michael Dennis Browne / arr. Stephen Paulus) 

Bright Canaan (Traditional, arr. Alice Parker & Robert Shaw)

Blue Skies (Irving Berlin, arr. Steve Zegree) 


December 15: The First Nowell

A Masterworks Chorale Christmas

Fun for the whole family with holiday masterpieces and the first Phoenix performance in over a decade of The First Nowell, an exciting medley of carols by Warren Cohen, conductor of the Phoenix-based MusicaNova Orchestra.

Be a part of it all on
Sunday, December 15 at 3 PM
in the sanctuary at All Saints’ Episcopal Church
6300 North Central Avenue, Phoenix 

“The carols that make up The First Nowell are a serious but lively bunch, including some lesser-known ones and new arrangements for the rest. In one, a drum sets our feet to dancing, in another both the American and English versions are sung at the same time.  One is in a style reminiscent of bluegrass fiddling, and one sounds for all the world like a wayward Handel ensemble.”  – Warren Cohen, arranger

Concert Program

O Come, O Come Emmanuel (arr. Parker & Shaw)

Jingle Bells Through the Ages (Allen Pote)

Here We Come a-Wassailing (Traditional, arr. Sims)  

How Far Is It To Bethlehem (arr. Fissinger)

Light the Legend (Isaacson)

Coventry Carol (arr. Herring)

A Christmas Wish (arr. Frampton) 

FEATURED WORK: The First Nowell Medley (arr. Cohen)
The First Nowell
Jesu Bambino
Ding Dong Merrily On High
Away in a Manger
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day
Wither’s Rocking Carol
The Holly and the Ivy
Dormi Jesu
Deck the Halls

November 24: Messiah Sing-Along 2024

The Arts at Ascension presents the third annual Sing-Along of George Frederick Handel’s classic holiday oratorio “Messiah”.  It’s a free, family holiday fun afternoon, featuring soloists and choristers from The Arizona Masterworks Chorale and the North Scottsdale United Methodist Chruch, musicians from the Women’s Orchestra of Arizona  — and the voices of everyone who loves singing choruses from Handel’s magnificent creation.

Come and sing along, or just sit back and enjoy the greatest Christmas oratorio ever.  No rehearsal necessary for singers! If you don’t have a score, click below to download one in PDF.

Sunday, November 24 at 3:00 PM
North Scottsdale United Methodist Church
11735 North Scottsdale Road, Just South of Cactus Road
Admission Free – Donations Requested

The Program
Sinfonia (Overture: Orchestra)
Ev’ry Valley (Tenor Soloist)
Chorus: And the glory of the Lord
Thus Saith the Lord / But who may abide (Bass Soloist)

Chorus: And He shall purify
Behold, a virgin shall conceive (Alto Soloist)

Chorus: O thou that tellest good tiding to Zion
The people that walked in darkness (Bass Soloist)

Chorus: For unto us a child is born
Pifa (Pastoral: Orchestra)

There were shepherds … And suddenly there was with the angel (Soprano Soloist)
Chorus: Glory to God in the Highest
Rejoice, greatly (Soprano Soloist)

He shall feed his flock (Alto Soloist and Soprano Soloist )
Chorus: His yoke is easy
Chorus: Halleluja! 

No rehearsal is required!
Bring your own choral score or download one at the link below, and join in the fun.
Admission is free, donations are requested to benefit all Arts at Ascension members.D

Celebrating Christmas: In Terra Pax (Peace on Earth)

With Gerald Finzi’s incomparable meditation on peace for chorus and soloists, plus joyous songs of the season from Morten Lauridsen, Mac Frampton, and our own Darren Herring. And a festive audience carols sing-along gets everyone in the Holiday Spirit. Joy to the World!

Saturday, December 9 at 7:30 PM – All Saints’ Episcopal Church, 6300 North Central Avenue, Phoenix
Sunday, December 10 at 3:00 PM – Ascension Lutheran Church, 7100 North Mockingbird Lane, Paradise Valley

Click Here for concert program details and notes.

Programs are subject to change without notice.