Donate to Support the Arizona Masterworks Chorale

Nina Cole Garguglio

Nina Cole Garguglio


Holly Sheppard

Holly Sheppard


Paul Nicosia


Derek James Stull

Derek James Stull


It’s Our Fall 2023 Fundraiser:
Underwrite AMC in Messiah Sing-Along 2024!

Can you spare a modest $10 donation to help AMC be part of the third annual Messiah Sing-Along in our new home?

The Arts at Ascension artistic partnership invites everyone to come and sing along with the choruses in George Frederic Handel’s magnificent oratorio “Messiah” at the free, fun, family-friendly event. It’s led by AMC’s soloists and choristers and the Women’s Orchestra of Arizona. We’re sharing costs, which for AMC include soloist fees, program printing, and vocal score preparation.

Admission to the Sing-Along is free. We’re asking for donations at the event to support the missions of all the groups taking part throughout the rest of the 2023-24 season.

All we ask is just $10 (the bill with Alexander Hamilton’s face on it) to help us prepare — though we’re grateful for any amount you can give.

It’s Our Season-Long Campaign to Help the Arizona Masterworks Chorale “Make Music Better”

Making music better means investing in the future: growing our artistry, performing innovative repertoire, and doing educational and community outreach.

With your help, we can make it happen.

Our mission is to inspire and enrich our community through the power of choral music, and we’re on track to succeed. AMC audiences experience the sheer beauty of sound and poetry in our ensemble – it’s like a symphony of voices, with each section unified and essential to the whole.

Please consider a generous one-time or recurring donation, advertising with us, or sponsoring an event or artist to support AMC’s mission and keep our unique voice strong in Arizona.

Join us in shaping the future of choral music and support our mission to inspire and enrich our community through the power of song.

Please consider donating or taking advantage of one of many sponsorship opportunities. Together, we can ensure the “AMC Experience” of the exquisite beauty of poetry and sound continues to thrive in Arizona’s cultural scene.

Your contributions enable AMC to continue:

  • Innovative Performances: Bringing beauty and poetry to life, with a unique vocal style.
  • Educational Outreach: Sharing the transformative experience of choral music with underserved communities.
  • Community Partnerships: Collaborations with organizations like the Global Academy of Phoenix, Circle the City, and local artistic groups.

Our music library has a new home.

We’ve moved our music library from its old home at Ascension Lutheran Church in Paradise Valley to the brand-new LifeStorage center at Gilbert Crossing.

With your help, we can keep it thriving.

Maintaining our extensive library of over 15,000 copies of over 400 great choral works isn’t easy.  Our Music Librarian Cheryl Burton works tirelessly to keep the library in shape and to provide scores to all choristers.  But storage doesn’t come cheap!  We’re asking for $2,500 in donations between now and June 2025 to keep the library in top condition.

An anonymous donor will match up to $500 in donations to the Music Library Fund between now and July 31.

AMC Library at ALC
Old Home: Ascension Lutheran Basement
LifeStorage Gilbert
New Home: LifeStorage, Gilbert
Just part of the Library Moving Crew

You Can Support AMC as a Donor, Advertiser, or Sponsor

Website Ads and Logo Placement,
Concert Program Print Ads
Personal Donations
In any amount, from friends of AMC
For General Use, Dedication, or Targeted
Artist Sponsorships
Music Director, Collaborative Pianist,
Section Leader
s, Featured Artists
Concert Sponsorships
Individual Concerts, Full Season

You Can Support AMC as a Donor, Advertiser or Sponsor

Website Ads and Logo Placement,
Concert Program Print Ads
Personal Donations
In any amount, from friends of AMC
For General Use, Dedication, or Targeted
Artist Sponsorships
Music Director, Collaborative Pianist,
Section Leader
s, Featured Artists
Concert Sponsorships
Individual Concerts, Full Season

Donate to AMC using Zelle

Use the Zelle app on your phone to send a donation in any amount to:

Donate to AMC using Zelle

Use the Zelle app on your phone to send a donation in any amount to:

JYC + AMC Fund

John Cleveland (1947 – 2023)

Contribute to the John Cleveland Memorial Fund

John was a long-time singer, board member, and vice-president of the Chorale.  His family asks you to remember him and his lifelong pursuit of excellence in music with a contribution to the John Cleveland Memorial Fund. All proceeds will be used to underwrite the mission and programs of the Arizona Masterworks Chorale. Click here to learn more.

Click here to read John’s obituary 


Interested in advertising with AMC or sponsoring a musician or concert?  Opportunities include:

Advertising: Website Ads and Logo Placement, Concert Program Print Ads
Personal Donations: In any amount, from friends of AMC
Sponsorships: Music Director, Collaborative Pianist, Section Leaders, Featured Artists; Individual Concerts, Full Season

Other Ways to Support AMC

A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) lets you use your IRA help AMC and lower your taxes.

Learn more here

Donate stocks through our partner StockDonator to avoid capital gains taxes and take their current full market value as a charitable deduction.

Support AMC with your regular grocery shopping.  Just link your Fry’s VIP card to AMC (Organization #TM849) in Fry’s Community Rewards program.

The Arizona Masterworks Chorale, Inc. (AMC) is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit Arizona corporation.  Our Federal Tax ID is 86-0405912.  Donations to AMC are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.  Consult your financial advisor for the kind of donation most appropriate for you.  Donations by cash, check, or card may be made in person at any AMC event.  Checks may be mailed to us at Arizona Masterworks Chorale, 4802 East Ray Road Suite 23-115, Phoenix AZ 85044.