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Support the Arizona Masterworks Chorale
Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities
Individuals, Businesses, and Foundations


Your donation in any amount helps us fulfill our mission.  Donors of $100 or more will be recognized on the website and in concert programs throughout the season.


Multiple channels to get your support of AMC publicized, from posting your logo on our home page to using your original art in our social media, newsletters, digital and print ad campaigns, and in concert programs.  Click here for a current rate sheet.

  • Home Page Logo Placement:  Your logo and a link to your website are on the AMC home page.  A one-time fee covers placement for an entire season.
  • Concert Website and Program Ads:  You’re featured on the AMC home page and concert website, in digital advertising, and in printed programs. Your ad placements can be one-time or for multiple concerts, with new art for each production.  

Your name or the name of your business appears in AMC’s concert or season artwork, and on all related advertising and publicity materials.  You’re also featured on the AMC website and in printed concert programs, and you receive free admission to AMC concerts.  To learn more, contact us at

Music and Musician Sponsorships

  • Featured Artist: $250 – Sponsors a vocal soloist, instrumentalist, or narrator for a single concert. 
  • Sheet Music: $500 – Sponsors acquisition and distribution of new choral works. 
  • Librarian: $1,000 – Sponsors the work of the AMC Music Librarian for an entire season.
  • Music Library: $1,500 – Sponsors the rental of our Music Library storage unit for a whole year.
  • Section Leader: $3,000 – Sponsors one of our staff section leaders for an entire season. 
  • Collaborative Pianist: $5,000 – Sponsors this role for an entire season, vital in preparation and performance.
  • Music Director: $10,000 – Sponsors the AMC music director for an entire season.

Event Sponsorships

You get all the benefits of a musician sponsorship, and your name appears above the title in the concert or full-season identity artwork, and on all related advertising and publicity, as well as free admissions to all AMC concerts in the season.

  • Concert: $5,000 – Sponsors the preparation, rehearsal, and staging costs of a single multi-performance concert production.
  • Season: $15,000 – Sponsors the Chorale for an entire season.  The sponsor’s name receives top placement on all advertising materials.  

Terms of concert and season event sponsorships are negotiable with potential sponsors.

No-cost cross-advertising is available for non-profit arts organizations
Contact the Arizona Masterworks Chorale with any questions or for more information

The Arizona Masterworks Chorale, Inc. (AMC) is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit Arizona corporation.  Our Federal Tax ID is 86-0405912. You may donate by cash, check, or card at any AMC event, online via Zelle to, or a check mailed to us at Arizona Masterworks Chorale, 4802 East Ray Road Suite 23-115, Phoenix AZ 85044. 

Donations to AMC are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.  Consult your financial advisor for the kind of donation most appropriate for your portfolio.