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"Coming Home" in Concert, March 2025

Meet The Singers

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Why I'm a Member of the Arizona Masterworks Chorale

Bob Altizer, Bass-Baritone

Olga Gorelik, Collaborative Pianist

Judith Durocher, Soprano

It’s important for me personally to be a member of AMC because I want to be part of a choir that is performing quality literature with attention to musical detail. Convenient location and time of rehearsal is a bonus! I think AMC’s impact on the greater Phoenix community is evident in our winter concert with the Phoenix Women's Orchestra and the children's choir. Collaborative efforts that are mutually beneficial are a hallmark of building community.

Eleanor Barker

Eleanor Baker, Soprano

It’s important for me personally to be a member of AMC because I have the opportunity to learn collegiate level music from a wonderful director and a group of talented and experienced singers. As a musician in high school and 4th year member of AMC, I have been able to learn so much. I was introduced to beautiful new music, including world-premieres, and shown how a professional choir sings and learns together. This has been a great outlet and resource for me and a place where I have discovered my passion: teaching music.

Taz Monroe Square 72

Taz Monroe, Alto

It's important personally for me to be a member of AMC because I feel as though I am getting the opportunity to share the art that drives me with people who it also motivates. Music is something that transcends language barriers and conflict, and I take great joy in being part of that.
I think AMCs impact on the greater Phoenix area is that we're exposing a lot more people to music that they may fall in love with and realize is more accessible to them.

Alan Schold

Alan Schold, MD - Tenor - 1999-2023

“I have decided it is time for me to retire from the AMC. I've been singing with various groups continually since my freshman year. I joined AMC for the 1999-2000 season and have enjoyed nearly all the concerts, travels, and other activities of the Chorale. I am thankful for all the present and past singers and directors with whom I've shared the gift of music. I am especially pleased that I've been able to make a small contribution even when my voice eventually failed me. However, it's time for another generation to step up. So it is with thanksgiving, some sadness, but no regrets that I withdraw my name for reelection to the Board.”

Bob Altizer’s reply to Alan: I understand your decision and am grateful for all you’ve contributed to AMC, starting long before I arrived. Your recent work, even though done from a distance, has helped us maintain and grow the group during some tough times. And the years before that when you were an active singer gave great joy to our audiences as well as yourself.

Frank Martinson

Frank Martinson - Bass - 1979-2023

“I am the only remaining founding member of the chorale organized in 1979. It has been a very rewarding time for me, but now is the time for me to retire. I thank you Scott for progress to turn the chorale into the semi-professional chorale it deserves be. I thank you Bob for being the best leader of the chorale that I have witnessed in the 46 years I have been associated with it. Love to you guys!”

Scott Youngs’ Reply to Frank: We are deeply grateful for your long tenure and great contributions to the choir. You have helped carry the choir through a succession of conductors, trends, and repertoires. You have been an integral part of the organization and are a keeper of the history of the choir. I will miss seeing your kind smile every week but hope that we will still see you on a regular basis. AMC has much territory to cover yet and will need your continued assistance. Thank you for your kindness to me, your great work over many years, and hopefully more to come.

Honoring Their Long-Time Service to AMC